Unclogging Blocked Drains in Kent: How to Keep Your Home Plumbing Smooth

blocked drains kent can be a real nuisance for homeowners, causing homes to become flooded or backed up with sewage and wastewater. Thankfully, you don’t have to suffer through blocked drains forever! With the right techniques, you can unblock those stubborn drains and protect your home from drainage disasters.

What Causes Blocked Drains?

In most cases, blocked drains are caused by food scraps, hair, soap scum, and other substances that accumulate over time. When they enter home plumbing systems, they form clogs and cause blockages. Even if you have a garbage disposal, it can still struggle to break down hard items like bones, tea leaves, and certain starches.

blocked drains kent

Identifying the Issue

Before you start trying to unblock your drain, it helps to identify the root of the problem. A surprisingly common cause of blocked drains is tree roots, which can …

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