Unclogging Blocked Drains in Kent: How to Keep Your Home Plumbing Smooth

blocked drains kent

blocked drains kent can be a real nuisance for homeowners, causing homes to become flooded or backed up with sewage and wastewater. Thankfully, you don’t have to suffer through blocked drains forever! With the right techniques, you can unblock those stubborn drains and protect your home from drainage disasters.

What Causes Blocked Drains?

In most cases, blocked drains are caused by food scraps, hair, soap scum, and other substances that accumulate over time. When they enter home plumbing systems, they form clogs and cause blockages. Even if you have a garbage disposal, it can still struggle to break down hard items like bones, tea leaves, and certain starches.

blocked drains kent

Identifying the Issue

Before you start trying to unblock your drain, it helps to identify the root of the problem. A surprisingly common cause of blocked drains is tree roots, which can penetrate most pipes and cause them to back up. If you notice any differences in the water pressure or smell something funny, it could be a sign of tree root infiltration.

In some cases, you might be able to spot a clog visually. Look out for any areas where the water is slowly draining or bubbling. You may be able to see an accumulation of items in the pipe, such as grime, dirt, and objects.

DIY Solutions

If you’re managing blocked drains Kent yourself, the first step is to try using a plunger. Put a wet cloth over the overflow outlet, then place the plunger over the main drain. Apply pressure to create a vacuum and see if you can dislodge the clog. Alternatively, you can use a drain snake or chemical cleaners to attack the clog in a different way.

Professional Assistance

Even with careful attention, sometimes DIY solutions just don’t work. This is especially true if the blockage is deep within the drains or involves more complex issues, such as broken pipes. At this point, it’s best to call in the professionals, who can assess the situation and offer more sophisticated tools and services.

Professional drain cleaners use CCTV cameras to detect the exact origin of the problem and perform repairs or relining as needed. They can also handle overflowing sewage, which can quickly turn into a health hazard. For peace of mind and reliable results, it’s always better to let a professional take care of it.

Regular Maintenance

Of course, the priority after unblocking your drains should be to prevent them from getting blocked again. There are many ways to do this, but the simplest is to “flush” your piping system on a regular basis. This means running warm, soapy water through each drain every few weeks to help clear out any debris before it forms a full-blown clog.

You should also pay attention to what you’re putting down the drains. Avoid pouring grease or oil down the sink, and make sure that even small bits of food get thrown away. It may also help to invest in drain guards or strainers for the kitchen and bathtub, which can stop larger items from going down the piping system.

Blocked drains kent can cause serious problems for homeowners, but with the right knowledge and tools, it’s possible to avoid them altogether. Remember to stay vigilant with maintenance, and get expert help when needed, and you’ll be able to keep your home plumbing safe and sound.