Say No More to Blocked Drains Essex!

blocked drains essex is an issue that many homeowners in the region have experienced and are looking for solutions. Blocked drains not only create a foul smell but can be damaging to your property, health and finances. It’s important to take blocked drains seriously and seek professional help if you encounter such problems.

What Causes Blocked Drains?

There are several factors that can cause blocked drains. The most common causes are grease and fat deposits, hair and foreign objects like cotton buds, sanitary wipes and other household items which can become lodged in pipes, leading to blockage.

How Can You Unblock Drain?

Most blocked drains can be cleared in one of three ways: by using a plunger, chemical cleaners or snaking. A plunger works by forcing air pressure down the pipe and pushing the matter through, while chemical cleaners use …

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